God created everything with a defense mechanism, insects, animals and plants each have thier own safety measures. just like humans, all these organisms have a great desire to preserve life but some do so at their own expense. take the honey bee for instance. the little hardworking insect produces a sweet substance(for y'all who are floating, i mean honey) which humans have been dying(some have actually died) to get their grubby paws on for time immemorial. the bees have a sting(which hurts like hell btw. what? i like honey too. :)) and they use this against any hapless human or animal that dares steal it. the problem is once a bee uses its sting, it dies(well apart from that animation where they put a thumb tack on its butt. lol). i think subconsciously, the bees know what happens if they use the sting. i mean, they must have seen more than one of their members expiring from using it(apart from adam bee ofcourse. he was the first). you would think the'd come up with a new for of defense but no, they insist on stinging you to death. literally.
then comes the onion. i'd love to see anyone who ever cut onions up and failed to shed a single tear or get all teary. these food additives(and they make food taste awesome) are lethal! they can bring even the strongest to his knees with just one cut. i think thats their revenge, (im thinking like an onion here-dont judge) mhh, this human thinks he can eat me?? i'll show him! then the little(an average onion fits in the palm of your hand) thing goes ahead and makes you cry. you never enjoy an onion without paying the price(or owning a cook. take your pick). even if we get the last word (mouthful), the onion gets its revenge. eat me but i'll make you pay first. so, Go onion, Make em pay, cry.....
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